Tom Broadwell – Sleep Code
How To Fall Asleep Easily, Sleep Peacefully & Wake Up Full Of Energy
Inside Sleep Code, you will learn all you need to know (including: eye-opening discoveries, game-changing ideas & highly-practical, instantly-implementable steps) to transform your sleep forever…
When you apply the protocols revealed inside the 3 parts of this in-depth course, you will start falling asleep quicker & easier than ever before… you’ll finally get the right amount of sleep… & it’ll be of far higher quality as well…
…all of which will help you to wake up full of energy, radically improve your motivation, productivity, focus, creativity, mood, overall health & daily happiness!
What You’ll Learn In Sleep Code
Here’s Precisely What You’ll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Sleep Code Course:
Part 1: Sleep Science
In part #1, you’re going to learn why sleep is so critically important to your physical wellbeing, fitness, mental health, focus, productivity, performance & happiness…
…as well as how sleep actually works (the science!)… from which we draw a wealth of eye-opening ideas, insights & practical steps for improving your sleep…
I’ll also share how you can better align yourself with your “circadian rhythm”… as once you do this, you’ll naturally start falling asleep easier, get higher quality sleep during the night & start waking up easier (& with more energy!)…
What you’ll learn inside:
- The true impact of sleep on your energy, mood, mental health, motivation, focus & productivity levels… AND the very first, simplest steps that you can make to start seeing a measurable improvement to your sleep as early as tonight!
- How & why poor sleep is linked with weight gain (plus: how to reverse this & even use sleep as a way to actually lose weight… or, more easily maintain good health & fitness throughout your life!)
- The (often overlooked) dangers of using ‘over-the-counter melatonin’ or ‘sleeping pills’ to fall asleep (side effects of sleeping pills include: addiction, dependence, emotional blunting, even higher risk of death!)… PLUS, the healthiest, safest way to get off them & best alternatives to help you to fall asleep easily without them!
- The most common sleep mistakes that people (often unknowingly) make which led to them struggling to sleep (as well as waking up feeling groggy & tired, no matter how many hours they sleep!)…
- SLEEP FOUNDATIONS — You’ll learn precisely how to fall asleep faster & easier than ever before… by learning to follow your “circadian rhythm”, optimising your sleeping environment & applying a number of proven mind-quieting techniques!
- The 1 healthy ‘sleep habit’ that will simultaneously improve your sleep quality, your health, naturally lower High Blood Pressure… AND boost your brain function during the day by up to 50%!
- SLEEP STAGES — you’ll learn the function of the different sleep stages that we all go through during the night, the ones most important to your physical & mental recovery (REM, Deep Sleep) AND how to spend more time in them for more restorative sleep!
- What at least 80% of people do to cause brain damage… causing poor memory, reduced brain function & an increased risk of mental disorders throughout life (plus: how to avoid this at all costs!)
- The #1 worst habit (that most people have!) that destroys your sleep, as well as lowers your results across virtually all areas of life… (including: how to go about breaking this habit once & for all, for improved sleep & a better, happier, more abundant life!)
- How to structure your day to be as productive, creative & successful as possible (plus: simple ways to ‘hack your biology’ to boost mental energy, clarity & focus naturally!)
- Which leads us to…
Part 2: Latency & Quantity
In part #2, we dive even deeper down the rabbit hole of ‘latency’, looking at exactly how you can train your mind & body to fall asleep quicker & easier than ever before (rather than staring at the ceiling, your smartphone, or counting sheep for hours!)
Once again, there is a science to this… once you learn & apply it, you won’t ever be tossing & turning, attempting to fall asleep for hours, any longer… you’ll fall asleep quickly & easily. In this part, we also answer the age-old question of how much sleep you really need to function at your best!
What you’ll learn inside:
- CHRONOBIOLOGY SECRETS — you will learn how to apply the science of ‘perfect timing’ to further improve the effectiveness of everyday activities like eating, exercise, working (during the day)… as well as improve your sleep (during the night!)
- You’ll also learn how to create the perfect “sleep environment” to aid sleep, as well as massively improve your sex life… all while saving yourself a fortune in the process (this is going to be a real game-changer for you!)
- The 7 best afternoon habits you can do to prepare your mind for rest, relaxation & sleep… (note: these will not only improve your sleep, but also greatly lower your stress levels & radically improve long-term physical, mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing!)
- YOUR WIND DOWN PLAN — Taking the previous advice even further, I’ll give you a step-by-step guide for winding down in preparation for sleep… (including: the best time to eat your last meal, drink that last glass of alcohol, consume caffeine, exercise or make love… to make falling asleep easier & improve your sleep quality!)
- More details about how to use exercise as as a way to fall asleep more quickly & sleep the whole night through… (plus: how to use exercise to naturally heal from sleep disorders such as insomnia, DSPS & ASPS!)
- How much sleep you really need to function at your best (hint: it’s not what you might think!)… plus: simple lifestyle changes you can make to ensure you’re getting the right amount of sleep consistently… radically improving your energy, health & vitality!
- The top 6 things that you can do to help you sleep & to repair your body, on a physical level… (note: alongside improving your sleep, these 6 simple steps will but also help you reduce pain, reduce inflammation, boost your fitness & improve your love life too!)
- WAKE UP FULL OF ENERGY — Say goodbye to hitting snooze or feeling like a zombie in the mornings… in this part, you’ll also learn simple changes you can make to start waking up full of energy! (note: this will help not just your health & energy, but also you mood, mental health, productivity & overall success in life!)
- My exact “morning routine” that majorly boosts my energy levels, while setting me up for an awesomely focused & productive day… (including: how you can create your own customised, personalised morning routine that works best for you & your schedule!)
- The best time to drink caffeine to boost brain power, clarity, focus & even your health (yes, caffeine can be used as part of a healthy diet, but what, when & how you drink it makes all the difference… & most people, unfortunately, get this completely wrong!)
- A summary of the TOP 10 things (& relevant action steps) that affect your ability to fall asleep easily & sleep peacefully all night long, the most… (plus: how you can utilise them to start getting the best sleep of your life & the benefits that come along with it!)
- And finally, you have…
Part 3: Improving Sleep Quality
It doesn’t matter how many hours you’re in bed if your sleep is of a poor quality (just ask a new mother & they’ll tell you!)
That’s why, on top of improving ‘latency’ (how quick you fall asleep) & ‘quantity’… in part 3 of the course, I’ll share with you how to improve your sleep quality.
Specifically, you will learn all the proven lifestyle changes you can make to improve your sleep quality, so that you wake up full of energy, ready to tackle the day ahead, even on fewer hours of sleep…
What you’ll learn inside:
- The 5 biggest factors in your bedroom that affect your sleep quality & decide whether you remain at the lighter stage of sleep, or drop into the deeper, more restful & more physically+mentally restorative stages…
- The ideal materials your bed, mattress & pillow should be further to aid sleep quality… as well as dramatically lower your risk of cancer & other lifestyle diseases! (note: most people don’t even think about this but the impact can be huge!)
- The #1 reason people wake up in the night to urinate… (fix this now to get even more wonderful, undisturbed sleep)
- The 1 ‘amino acid’ that will help you hit that critical, mentally-restorative REM sleep stage, boosting brain function, brain health, creativity, focus & memory… (plus: what foods you can add into your diet to get more of it!)
- The 2 most important ‘minerals’ to help your body repair physically & mentally… AND what specific foods contain these minerals, so you can add to your diet as well.
- The top 5 foods you should avoid at all costs in the evening to improve sleep… (note: avoiding these foods will also improve your nutrition, gut & digestive health!)
- The best 6 carbohydrates to eat in the evening to further aid sleep, improve digestion & can even help you to lose weight permanently!
- The most luxurious, enjoyable (& affordable!) way to relax in the evening, that’ll give you deeper, better quality sleep… while simultaneously improving your circulation, heart health & lowering inflammation!
- Additional ideas, insights & strategies that help you improve sleep quality during the night… but can also be flipped & inverted to help you have a better, more productive, more “perfect” day… in which you do, be & achieve what you’re truly capable off!
More courses from the same author: Tom Broadwell