Tom Broadwell – Creating Happiness
Brand New Course Reveals Simple, Powerful & Proven Steps To Finally…
“Eliminate Negative Thinking, Cultivate A Positive Mindset & Create True Happiness In Your Life”
It’s Time To Stop Living Life In Shackles, Feeling Trapped, Lost & Confused… & Learn How To Create The Real Happiness, Joy & Freedom You Desire & Deserve!
How To Eliminate Negativity, Cultivate A Positive Mindset & Live Your Best Life
In this course, you will learn eye-opening ideas, insights & understandings that will change & transform how you think about your mood, happiness & wellbeing forever…
Pulling on decades of scientific research, I will teach you what happiness really is, what actually makes us as human beings happy & how we can attain this seemingly-elusive thing called ‘happiness’ in your own life.
What you’ll Learn In Creating Happiness
Here’s Precisely What You’ll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Course:
Part 1: Happiness Myth
We start by looking at the lies & myths we’ve been sold & that lead so many people to get it all wrong, by then chasing things that may bring short-term pleasure, but never lasting joy or lasting happiness…
We also look at the science of the mind, which will give us more clues into what we have to do to master your mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing & bring about a positive mental attitude (no matter what is happening in the world around you!)
What you’ll learn inside:
- So much of what we’ve been taught to believe about ‘happiness’ is flat-out wrong & actually leads you further away from happiness, rather than towards it! To start, you’ll learn a number of ‘paradigm shifts’ & ‘mindsets’ which will help you to create more real, true & lasting happiness in your life…
- The science & psychology of the human mind… AND how to start using it to be happier, healthier, more confident, more positive & more successful in all that you do… (rather than letting it pull you towards negativity, fear, anger, frustration, worry, anxiety, even depression!)
- Why antidepressant medication doesn’t work & is definitely *not* the best approach for overcoming depression… (plus: how to think about mental health in a whole new way & the practical, scientifically-proven habits you can build into your every day life, to improve your mental health!)
- Money = Happiness? Is it true? We take a deep dive into the science, which shows where true happiness really comes from… (note: while money is important, happiness is found elsewhere, as you’ll learn.)
- You’ll also learn the 7 most common things people chase thinking it’ll bring happiness (which they never do!)… AND how to identify the greatest, real & lasting sources of happiness in your life & focus on those instead… (note: there’s nothing worse than spending your life chasing something you think will make you happy only to discover it doesn’t — knowing this info can save you decades heading down the wrong path!
- How to progressively raise your consciousness through spiritual growth, leading to the ultimate lifelong happiness… (I’ll cover the overarching approach in this first part, before before giving you the specific in parts #2 & #3)
- You’ll also discover the 2 most powerful ‘mindsets’, ways of thinking & approaches proven by modern scientific research to improve mental health, boost emotional wellbeing & create more happiness in your life!
- Which leads us to…
Part 2: Negativity Exposed
From the education system, mainstream media, social media, to the conditioning we receive throughout our childhood / upbringing, in part #2 of the course, we take an objective look at many societal ‘norms’ & strong-held beliefs that lead to negativity, pessimism & ultimately, unhappiness.
From there, you’ll learn the steps to change this, to reduce (even eradicate) this negativity from your life, silence that mental chatter in your head & create a positive mental attitude which supports you to be healthier & happier going forward!
What you’ll learn inside:
- The 8 biggest elements of life that generally bring about the most unhappiness in people’s lives… AND how to limit / avoid these extremely common pitfalls & mistakes, to create more happiness on the other side!
- The history of the education system & how it conditions you to dream small, think negatively & crushes our creativity… AND how to break free from the indoctrination, question limiting beliefs, tap into greater creativity & create the life you truly want!
- 4 ‘societal norms’ that when looked at more consciously & objectively, you’ll quickly realise are absolutely, undoubtedly holding you from embracing your true potential & living your best life…
- A complete breakdown of all the different forms of media & technologies that run so much of our life, the incentives behind them… AND how to use them to your advantage (instead of having them use you & making you less happy, less confident & less successful!)
- You’ll also learn precisely how ‘time’ is twisted & used to cause us stress & ultimately, to control the masses… AND the simple secret to break free from this too & further boost your happiness & wellbeing in life!
- The 2 ‘loopholes’ in the law I discovered, which will save you tons of money, as well as free you from what I personally consider to be the ultimate source of misery in life!
- The main things that keep you in the mindset of ‘lack’, ‘fear’ & ‘guilt’ in life… (which is as far from happiness as you’re going to get!)… AND how to start to remove the chains, freeing yourself to experience life on your terms!
- What exactly is the ‘ego’ & 4 frameworks on how to work with it, for true inner peace & happiness… (note: learning this can almost singlehandedly transform your mental health, emotional wellbeing & happiness forever!)
- Tips on how to go about finding your passion, purpose & making work a great source of happiness & fulfillment in your life… (instead of something that you spend most of your waking hours on, but hate, find boring & consider meaningless!)
- And finally, you have…
Part 3: Positivity & joy
Finally, in part 3, we dive deep into the ways of living, activities, practices, habits, reframes & thought patterns which you can start implementing into your life right away to bring about more positivity, joy, bliss, as well as physical, mental, emotional & spiritual growth!
(note: learning this will help you to practically implement everything in this course so you start seeing real & lasting changes in your mood, happiness & wellbeing fast!)
What you’ll learn inside:
- The 9 key areas you’ll want to focus on, to create ultimate happiness in your life… (note: doing this & following the first steps I lay out for you will dramatically improve your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual wellbeing, leading to more health, happiness & success in your life!)
- Does higher education bring you more happiness? The full answer may surprise you… (& potentially save you a ton of money & pain for you or your kids!)
- How to use the internet & social networks to bring more happiness & connectivity into your life… (vs causing declining mental health, more loneliness & depression, as unfortunately it does for most people currently using it!)
- What does modern research show to be amongst the happiest, most joyous activities, practices & routines that you can build into your life… (as well as which ones are the worst that you’ll want to avoid at all costs!)
- You’ll also learn tons of incredible (& practical!) tips for eliminating the worse uses of your time & instead, build more of these positive, joyous practices into your life…
- How to actually spend your money in such a way that actually does bring you the possibility of lasting joy, happiness & wellbeing… (not just those fleeting moments of pleasure that buying a shiny new watch or leather seats for your car will bring you!)
- How to set up & organise your home in a way that’s proven to bring more long-term bliss, health & joy into your life… (note: some of these tips are stupidly simple, but few people do them & they can make a world of difference!)
- What I’ve discovered to be the 11 best ways to improve your relationships, friendships, connections & social bonds… (note: our social life greatly influences our happiness & these 11 keys can transform your relationships with others!)
- I’ll also share with you shocking new research, which may just be the #1 reason *not* to get cosmetic surgery or botox — which are heavily related to happiness & even the empathy you feel towards others!
- Revealed: the top 10 things you can do each day to… improve self-confidence, get a better night’s sleep, increase your energy, look younger, lower pain & inflammation, dramatically improve your health & therefore greatly increase your happiness too!
- Finally, I’ll begin to summarise by giving you 7 action steps & the most powerful things you can do, starting today, to transform your body, mind & soul into an unstoppable positive force, capable of giving you everything that you’ve ever dreamed of (& more!)
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