Tara Stiles – Relax Yoga For Creativity With Tara – 30 Minutes
Description Of Relax Yoga For Creativity With Tara – 30 Minutes
Unblock physical and mental barriers to creativity with this whole-self refresher
This Relax Yoga for Creativity class is led by Strala founder Tara Stiles. It’s designed to roll the tension out of you, calm and open your mind, and land you right in the present moment.
You’ll be guided from moment to moment to move with grace and coordination, embodying a holistic and sustainable way of being that includes being kind to yourself.
This whole-self refresh removes physical and mental blocks, and connects you to your endless well of intuition and creativity.
And of course if you’re pregnant, and for everyone, please always check with your doctor first. It’s helpful to get advice from a qualified professional who knows your particular history.
When can I use this class, and how long can I keep using it? You can use it whenever you like! And once you’ve completed a class, it remains yours to use whenever you want. Wherever you have an internet connection, just log in here using your computer, tv, phone, or iPad, and get moving!
What You’ll Learn In Relax Yoga For Creativity With Tara – 30 Minutes
Strala combines the movement and healing wisdom of tai chi with the rich form vocabulary of yoga.
Get ready to drop the stress and tension in your body and mind, that keeps you working much harder than you need, to achieve much less than you can.
You’ll learn to move powerfully through your life and handle challenge with ease.
Strala was created by Tara Stiles, drawing on her background in classical ballet and choreography, as well as her long-time personal practice in yoga. Tara trained with Paul Taylor Dance Company choreographer and dancer Eileen Cropley, and began her yoga study in the 1990s with her ballet teacher, Rory Foster of American Ballet Theater.
The science and movement of Strala is also guided by Strala co-founder Mike Taylor. Mike studied mind-body medicine at Harvard, and complementary medicine at Oxford. He has practiced Eastern movement and healing, including tai chi and qi gong, for 30 years.
Our Strala courses use yoga, tai chi, and traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, to help people release stress, heal themselves, and move powerfully through their lives. Our program is backed by mind-body medicine pioneer Dr. Deepak Chopra, and Harvard neurology professor and Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Rudolph Tanzi.
Course Curriculum
- Relax Yoga for Creativity : Class
- Relax Yoga for Creativity with Tara – 30 Minutes – January 2018 (28:42)
About Tara Stiles
Tara is the founder of Strala. Strala is practiced in more than 100 countries, and thousands of people are leading Strala in studios, gyms, and schools worldwide. Even more Strala training graduates bring what they learn to their office, team, healing practice, and across all of life. The mission we share is to help people accomplish far more, through softening and connecting with our creativity and purpose.
Tara has authored several best-selling books including Slim Calm Sexy Yoga, Yoga Cures, Make Your Own Rules Diet, Strala Yoga, and Guiding Strala, all translated and published in several languages. She has been profiled by The New York Times, Times of India, The Times (UK), and featured in most major national and international magazines. Harvard profiled Tara‘s work in a case study, and she has spoken with students at Harvard and New York University about her experience, and approaches to creativity and leadership.
Tara supports The Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the American Heart Association initiative to combat childhood obesity, as well as BOKS, which together are bringing Strala classes to more than 30,000 schools around the United States and Canada.
Tara studied classical dance with ABT Principal Rory Foster, and choreography with Paul Taylor original member and world renowned master Eileen Cropley. She is married to Strala co-founder Mike Taylor.
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