Robert Gene – Happy Journal Training
The Happy Journal Training is one of the most powerful tools in eutaptics® FasterEFT™ toolkit.
More than anything, it helps you feel happy and peaceful more consistently. Simply put, the more you practice feeling good, the better at it you get.
In reality, most of us take a daily ride on an emotional roller coaster as we get caught up and focused on the negative things happening around us, but this only manifests more of what we don’t want in our lives. When you focus on and give thanks to what is great about your life, YOU will create more of it naturally and easily. You produce more of what is already in you, so it makes sense that if what you have in you is peace and gratitude, you will continue to experience more peace and gratitude.
This online course is recorded from a six week workshop where Robert Gene Smith spent two hours each week with the group, going over the process of capturing your happy feelings, positive memories, affirmations, reasons for gratitude, and rewritten old memories.
Robert Gene, the creator of eutaptics® FasterEFT™, is the very best person to guide you through this life-changing process, which will benefit you now and for the rest of your life. By the end of the course you will have a beautiful and UNIQUE journal in your hands, which will always help you create your best life.
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