Pandit Rajmani Tigunait – The Mystery of Willpower and Trustful Surrender
A Study of the Tantric Masterpiece Tripura Rahasya
These two masters embody a vast range of human experience, and their dialogue answers such compelling questions as: Why do some of us succeed in life while others struggle in vain? Why do some of our intentions bear fruit and others remain barren? Why do some of us meet a teacher and receive guidance while others don’t? Why do some of us have a clear mind, sharp intellect, indomitable will, and unwavering conviction in Divine Providence, while others lack these essential tools?
- How Parashurama met his master; learned the art of forgiveness; disciplined his thought, speech, and action; and eventually became established in his pure being
- The art of cultivating willpower without falling prey to ego
- The art of cultivating trustful surrender without falling prey to inertia
- The tantric model for designing a lifestyle that will make us vibrant, productive, self-confident, and fearless on one hand, and humble, generous, and compassionate on the other
What you’ll learn in The Mystery of Willpower and Trustful Surrender
SECTION 1: The Message of Tripura Rahasya
- Manuscript Mystery
- We Are Far More Than We See
- The Story of Parashurama
- Step 1 of Sadhana: Do Not Hurt and Condemn Yourself
- The Divine as Mother
SECTION 2: The Immense Power of Mind
- Avidya: The Problem of Mental Conditioning
- Awakening the Power of Mind
- The Yogi Inside the Boulder: Part 1
- The Yogi Inside the Boulder: Part 2
- The Yogi Inside the Boulder: Part 3
- Know Yourself
- Mind and Destiny
- Mind and Prana
SECTION 3: Practicum: Agni Sara and the Asanas and Pranayamas which Support It
- Introduction: Benefits of Working with Prana
- Asana to Prepare for Agni Sara
- Agni Sara and Preliminary Practice for Pranayama
- Guided 61 Points Relaxation
- Bhastrika Pranayama with Pracchardana
- Conclusion and Q & A
SECTION 4: Freeing the Mind from the Three-Fold Afflictions
- Summary: The Message of This Scripture
- A Visit to Renuka Temple
- Cultivate a Clear, Calm, and Tranquil Mind
- The Three-Fold Afflictions
- Satsanga for Overcoming Aparadha Vasana
- Abhyasa and Vairagya for Overcoming Karma Vasana
- Discernment for Overcoming Kama Vasana
SECTION 5: Shakti Sadhana: From Grief to Joy
- Shoka–The War Within: Part 1
- Shoka–The War Within: Part 2
- Mahamoha: The Great Delusion of Dvaita and Advaita
- A Vision Free from Delusion: Our Founding Fathers
- The Sun That Destroys the Darkness of Delusion
- How We Embrace Avidya, the Real Source of Shoka
- Being a Seeker
- Moving Forward
About Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link to the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor of Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas and the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute.
As a leading voice of and the author of 15 books, his teachings offer practical guidance on applying yogic and tantric wisdom to modern life. Over the past 35 years, Pandit Tigunait has touched innumerable lives around the world as a teacher, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader
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