John Overdurf – Psychotropic Grooves – The Three Gunas
Description Of Psychotropic Grooves – The Three Gunas
This collection of 7 tracks is designed to take the listener on a, five to nine minute or so, mini- journey, individually and collectively. All of the tracks make extensive use of technology along with more traditional instruments to create different sonic effects to evoke different chains of mental and emotional states. This is ‘music for the mind’ so while you can use some of the tracks effectively as ‘background’ music, some tracks will ask you to listen very closely to nuances in tone that will create some interesting effects in your state.
About John Overdurf
Since 1979, John Overdurf has been doing therapy and coaching in every imaginable setting from hospitals and mental health facilities, to individuals, small businesses and large corporations. He has delivered hundreds of NLP, Coaching and Hypnosis trainings to small and large groups all over the world.
There are very few trainers that have the kind of depth, and richness of experience that John Overdurf possesses. Many of the people he has trained over the last 20 years have gone on to become internationally respected coaches, hypnotherapists and trainers. Much of what you will learn cannot be found in books, it is learned only from extensive experience in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching and delivering training in these areas.
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