John Overdurf – Neuro-Drivers
What you’ll learn in Neuro-Drivers
Here is what you will get in this 4 video download series:
- An explanation of the Neuro-Drivers Process and how to use it
- You will watch a demonstration of John taking someone through the process so you will get a full understanding of what to expect and how to do it.
- You will also hear running commentary during the demonstration you get a better understanding of what you might exprience.
- Once you are familiar with the process, you can listen to a 33 minute high quality audio of John leading you through the process in the comfort of your own space where you prefer to change. This includes music and binural beats as well as right/left brain exercises for your learning and development. You are in for a treat!
About John Overdurf
Since 1979, John has been doing therapy and coaching in every imaginable setting from hospitals and mental health facilities, to individuals, small businesses and large corporations. He has delivered hundreds of NLP, Coaching and Hypnosis trainings to small and large groups all over the world.
There are very few trainers that have the kind of depth, and richness of experience that John possesses. Many of the people he has trained over the last 20 years have gone on to become internationally respected coaches, hypnotherapists and trainers. Much of what you will learn cannot be found in books, it is learned only from extensive experience in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching and delivering training in these areas.
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