Nathan Blaszak – How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught!
“How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught”
In just one e-book, you can follow simple (yet extremely hypnotic) secret covert hypnosis applications, use my unbeatable stealth psychological devices, and talk and write hypnotically to persuade anyone in every way you please.
At Last! Every Psychological Device You Need Is Here. Plus, I show you How To Easily Create Your Own Compelling Hypnotic Patterns…PLUS I’ll Be Showing You Every Killer Covert Hypnotic Technique I’ve Ever Discovered, Developed & Used Successfully!
Here’s How “Covert Hypnosis” Can Help You Get Going With Influencing Others Secretly and Powerfully Starting Today…
- Predict future social events with absolute certainty — business negotiations, presentations, romance situations, telephone calls. With such power, you will win unprecedented amounts of wealth, love, and success.
- Not only predict, but actually control future events with absolute certainty — career events, sexual events, family events. You will command superior respect, exploding wealth, extraordinary romance, awesome prestige.
- Control other people’s minds. Convince anyone of anything that is good for you. Regain lost love with an ex-partner instantly. Instigate a raise from your boss instantly. Sell products instantly. Make everyone like you.
- Render opponents or competitors in business or love immediately helpless. Gently defeat them or mercilessly crush them if they are cheating you.
- See what others never see. Know why the average person on his own will fail. Save a friend or loved one.
- Learn to always have advantages socially.
- Invert everything learned in this communication. Forego a sub-satisfactory life. Dump traditional communication ideas and advice and soar with a power from far beyond the loser’s way of influence.
- Gain the omnipotent eye of covert hypnosis. See from Olympian perspectives.
- 6 questions you must answer to create hypnotic sales presentations. Sell your products hypnotically on TV. Sell them on the radio, the Internet, and face to face. Make your sales soar beyond your competitors.
- How to expertly craft brain buster “blank spots” that make your listener stop dead in their tracks, then capture their mind, imagination and thoughts, and hypnotize them secretly
- How to use clever, but innocent-sounding devices in your speech that instantly plug hypnotic commands your listeners will automatically unconsciously process — and become willing participants in what you’re commanding them to do. Make them have sex with you. Make them buy now!
- There is a word that is commonly used in almost everyone you meet, that if you simply utter this word, will account for a significantly higher conversion of compliance, and it works like magic. Make anyone agree with what you say.
- How to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategically to maximize the persuasiveness of your language and all your influencing communications. Find out the sneaky way to use NLP to “fly beneath the radar” of your listeners’ perception — without making your language appear clunky, contrived and verbose (as NLP tends to be).
- How to trigger your prospect’s buying sequence mode by using secret codes in your presentation that cause the prospect to buy without any resistance.
- How to speak dynamic, paced, and with emotion that get your prospects’ hearts beating faster, and amplify their desire for what you’re “painting” in their brain. This technique is so powerful that your prospects will literally feel guilty and deprived when they don’t sleep with you, listen to you, and buy.
- The exact wording you must use when you talk so that people will look forward with anticipation to your next sentence — and eyes focused open when they do receive, and hear it. Get attention from anyone.
- What you should do if the “first hello” response you’ve gotten is not generating as much attention as you expected. This is the absolute best way to inject “like me now” into those you meet for the first time. Make people like you easily.
- Secretly make everyone become fascinated with you. Never be ignored again.
- What is the most important objective in embedding commands? You must get your commands delivered. This may sound obvious, but when you say your commands in a certain style or use certain inflection, the conscious mind that uses sophisticated filters may identify your message as conscious, and block your command from getting delivered unconsciously. This will never happen to you.
- 16 psychologically compelling ways to craft hypnotic messages that are engaging — and highly accepted. Here, I reveal some of my jealously-guarded psychological devices for seduction and selling, and I’m swearing you to secrecy on these.
- How to initiate and accelerate anyone’s action sequence — no matter what you’re trying to get them to do. Sell your product in minutes. Have sex with them in minutes.
- How to tell an engaging story that prompts your listener to obey your commands
- Unleash the power of your voice to talk psychologically spell bounding sentences that’ll persuade people instantly. Have the ability to influence on a level you never dreamed possible.
- How to magically make your listener switch to argue the opposite view of the view they just had — without and effort on your part.
- Proven tactics to alter the mindset of your prospects, and make them unable to resist what you’re offering
- How to crank up the emotional volume of your hypnotic presentations to make your prospect submit unquestioningly to what you propose
- Unlock the real fire power that lies dormant in your present sales and persuasion activities — and sit back and watch your sales soar
- How to capture and use your prospects own imagination and predisposition to casually draw them to your spelled out action like a magnet. Make them think what you’re telling them to do is their idea.
- How to accurately read people’s minds to know before hand what they’re thinking — and instantly change their frame of mind and how they’re feeling.
- How to remotely instill fantasies, dreams …and program ideas, feelings and thoughts in your prospects mind — no words necessary.
- Discover to use the “Magic Touch” to bring back previous ideas, processes, thoughts and feelings, and make your persuasion a one time effort
- 135 hypnotic phrases to get your prospects to go in trance and “buzz out” momentarily so you can unconsciously command whatever you wish — and what you say sounds completely innocent.
- Discover 6 proven secret “call for action” hypnotic paragraphs. Simply fill-in the blanks and PRESTO… just sit back and watch how it FORCES them to do what you say — without any resistance.
- Learn the step-by-step knock-out process to capturing your prospects thoughts and feelings so you can deliver ANY unconscious command you want accepted. With this formula you’ll be learning — you realize hypnotic communication it doesn’t get any easier than this.
- How To Deal With Defensive People. Discover how to melt down all their barriers fast. It’s easier than you think!
- How to distort a persons brain that shifts and make what you’re saying seem like they’ve already done what you’ve described, and has, in fact, felt that way for some time already. Use this easy method for making people feel like they’ve known you forever, or like they’ve already bought what you want them to buy now!
- How to use the most powerful force of nature when you meet people. Magnetize anyone and make them feel drawn to you instantly.
- 22 Step-By-step precise examples of how people think and how to take advantage of you knowing this. It’s an unfair advantage to know exactly how people think, you’ll know exactly what someone’s hiding just by what they say!
- How to get a person to reveal to you exactly what you need to know and exactly what they are thinking and use it to get exactly what you want from them faster! plus, lots more!
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