Mike Cernovich – Gorilla Mindset
Gorilla Mindset: How to Control Your Thoughts and Emotions to Live Life on Your Terms
Gorilla Mindset is not a self-help book. It’s a how-to book. In Gorilla Mindset you will learn how to control your thoughts and emotions to live a life others dream of.
Although written for men, Gorilla Mindset has also been read by women who appreciate a direct approach to getting more out of life.
Gorilla Mindset is an entire system that, when coupled with specific mindset shifts and habits, will change the way you think, feel and live your life.
Applying Gorilla Mindset to your life (make no mistake, this is a book you must apply) will improve your health and fitness, lead to more money and career advancement, and help you have deeper, more meaningful relationships (or more casual ones; it’s your choice).
Your thinking will become clear. You will have more focus. You will know exactly what steps to take to change your life.
More importantly, you will be able to troubleshoot your own life – what psychologists call auto-regulate – when something goes wrong.
This is not a book of theory. These are all practical steps – mindset shifts you take or habits you form – that will change your life.
There are chapters on routine, self-talk, frame, focus, state/mood, mindfulness, and body language. Each chapter contains techniques, mindset shifts, and habits that can be applied to your life.
Yet each chapter forms part of an entire system to apply to your life. The chapters all feed off of and add to one another.
For example, improving your self-talk will improve your state or mood. How you frame challenges in your life is also a matter of the language – or self-talk – you use.
Getting in the moment improves your self-talk just as your self-talk helps you get into the moment.
At the end of Gorilla Mindset you’ll tie every concept together to live a life others don’t even dare dream of.
But you will dream of that life – and more importantly, you will begin to live that life.
More courses from the same author: Mike Cernovich