Kenton Knepper – Instant Trances And Trance Illusions
Description ofΒ Instant Trances And Trance Illusions
Kenton Knepper is the person who made hypnosis in magic and mentalism popular today. He began learning about trance states when he was in elementary school, and grew up on a full evening hypnosis show while still in his teens.
Most people try to teach you what they know about putting people into trances from what is on youtube.
Kenton teaches you his decades of actual experience and original secrets.
As only Kenton can, you will learn how to make trance illusions into real trance states, and make altered states happen during your standard mentalism and magic.
These secret methods allow you to do what experts appear to do, but you will always be successful, and you never have to worry about the effects not working. These trance effects will always work, because of Kenton’s devious secrets.
Here is just a bit of what you will learn with the materials in Instant Trances And Trance Illusions course:
- You will cause people to apparently go into instant trances without worry or danger.
- Look like you have real mental powers, control over others, appear to influence the feelings of people you just met, even tame or cure their headache.
- An audience member will see imaginary balloons that cause their arm to rise as they go into a deeper trance state.
- People feel cold and warmth due to your hypnotic passes.
- Make a person go into an altered state by picking a card or looking at one.
- Take someone’s watch, then give it back to them and expose how you did it… by using mental influence!
- Help a person to apparently get rid of a phobia or pain instantly due to your guidance and influence.
- Get people to relax their body, with only their mind still active – so that their mind can be read by YOU.
- Cause people to be stiff as a board and feel your influence from a distance, without gimmicks or gaffs.
- Make people mentally travel to a place you seemingly implant into their minds telepathically.
- Learn Kenton’s “I Am NOT Hypnotized!” act: The performer constantly insists that subjects repeat loudly that they are NOT HYPNOTIZED. Still, the subjects do many things only a hypnotized person would do. Influenced people fail at simple tasks, think sweet candy tastes horrible, people physically lose strength or gain strength, they cannot say their name, people can’t open a bottle of soda, people speak into an invisible microphone, and so on.
- Keith Barry has featured this act on television and it was also a popular segment in his Las Vegas stage show.
This material contains much of what Kenton relies upon when performing trance effects in his own shows.
Vital secret work of Kentonism and Kenton’s trance material from his own acts are in this course.
If you have every wanted to do hypnosis effects, or appear to have real mental powers, but don’t want to fail, then this course is for YOU.
Learn from videos and an amazing collection of original Kenton books in this course, including: Ulitmately Under, Twists and Trances, Trance This!, and the Relax and Chill videos.
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