James Van Praagh – Divine love
Turn your fear into love in this enchanting meditation program.
You will forever be changed with this meditation program as James Van Praagh assists you in creating love in every aspect of your life.
The combination of James’ voice and Steven Halpern’s healing music guides you to letting go of the old patterns of a fearful and limited existence and moving to a whole place of abundance and pure love. You will see yourself in a whole new way.
In addition to the two guided meditations, this program includes a musical interlude selection by Steven Halpern for personal meditation experiences, a special, personal interview with James Van Praagh, and a workbook.
MP3 files of 2 guided meditations, music, and interview, plus a pdf file of the Companion Workbook.
About Divine Love Meditation Program
Guided Meditations
Each meditation in this program begins with a general relaxation. James Van Praagh then guides you with exercises and reflections to improve your receptivity to the subtle messages from your own heart and the spirit world. The combination of James’ voice and Steven Halpern’s healing music creates a total experience that you will want to hear over and over again. In addition to the two guided meditations, this program includes a musical interlude selection by Steven Halpern for personal meditation experiences.
Turning Fear Into Love – Guided Meditation
Fear and love are two of the most powerful emotions we know. When one is embraced with fear, you are not living life fully. Love is your natural state of being. In this meditation James brings you back to the source of oneness with the fullness of love. You will forever be changed as James assists you in creating love in every aspect of your life. You will see yourself in a whole new way.
Living With Love – Guided Meditation
With this meditation you will learn how to change your entire perspective on life and the choices you make. James assists you in letting go of the old patterns of a fearful and limited existence and moves you to a whole place of abundance and pure love. You will begin to see people in your life and situations in a whole new light. Do you love yourself enough to follow your heart?
Music for Personal Meditation
“Ocean Suite, Part 1” by Steven Halpern
CONVERSATIONS with James Van Praagh
Interview with James Van Praagh featuring guest moderator James Bergen
In this personal interview with James Van Praagh he explains how you can get through the obstacles and challenges of everyday life and empower yourself by utilizing the greatest power of all. During the conversation James discusses the mysteries and challenges of love and explains the difference between falling in love and living a life full of love.
Companion Workbook
In this special workbook James Van Praagh has written exercises to support you in knowing clearly what motivates your choices in life and how to change your perspective to embrace love more fully. When you learn how fear holds you back, you will learn how to let go with love.
About James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh, hailed throughout the world as a pioneer of the mediumship movement, is considered one of the most widely recognized and accurate spiritual mediums working today.
A “survival evidence medium,” he provides evidential proof of life after death through highly detailed messages from the spiritual realm. He is recognized annually as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine.
For over three decades, James’ messages have brought comfort and peace to millions. He has worked with international heads of state, religious world leaders, and celebrities. He has authored several bestselling books and has introduced his own line of tarot and oracle cards.
Not only has he been the host of his own popular show, “Beyond,” James Van Praagh has also been a major asset behind the scenes with CBS working on shows like the long-standing Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Hewitt, and has helped produce several made-for-TV movies. He was a producer and screenwriter on the 2002 CBS semi-autobiographical miniseries Living with the Dead, starring Ted Danson as James. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, Dr. Phil, 48 Hours, The View, The Joy Behar Show, Chelsea Lately, Coast to Coast AM, and many more.
He continues to share his talent as a master teacher by offering online and in-person courses that teach how everyday people can tap into their inner mystic. James Van Praagh is one of the trailblazers in the mediumship industry and will continue to be looked up to as one of its icons.
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