Who is Chloë Goodchild?

Chloë Goodchild is an international singer, innovatory educator, author and founder of The Naked Voice (1990) and its UK Charitable Foundation (2004), dedicated to the realization of compassionate communication in all realms of human life. Deafness in childhood catalysed Chloë’s deep encounter with her inner self, and began a lifetime’s experiential research into the voice as a catalyst for personal evolution and global transformation.
A life-changing experience in 1990, inspired the unique method of sound and voice, which Chloë named The Naked Voice. Her memoir The Naked Voice: Journey to the Spirit of Sound tells the story of these formative early years. (Rider Books 1993). Chloë’s recent book The Naked Voice: Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound is an instructional guide that introduces the essential teachings of The Naked Voice. It was published by North Atlantic Books in 2015.
Chloë teaches and performs internationally. Chloë’s singing can be heard on a range of albums, available online. Her original music, is inspired by ancient and modern world genres, sacred chant, anthems, love songs and poetry. Her interactive presentations interweave wild stories, prayers and songs, inspired by ecstatic love poetry across a wide spectrum of human feeling, including much laughter. Chloë empowers her audiences to discover their own voices, in spontaneous ways, which expand and flow, generating a unified field of awareness, or Singing Field.
What Are People Saying About Chloë Goodchild?
“Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound.”
—Coleman Barks, Author of Rumi: Soul Fury
“Chloë has perfected a unique and empowering vocal technique accessible to everyone. In all my research with nonviolent and creative communication skills, I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times.”
—Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner, Nobel Peace Prize nominee & author of Pioneering the Possible
“Chloë Goodchild’s clarity of tone — both in her music and in her books — penetrates to the bone. I revel in both her songs and words, especially when she surrenders to the mystery of devotion.”
—Gangaji, Spiritual teacher & author of Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story
“Chloë Goodchild awakens the pure power of light in the realm of song and chant. Her gentle vocal revelations invite the wisdom of beauty to unfold and awaken our hearts. I cherish her tender guidance in these deep and cheer-filled lessons of song and life.”
—Don Campbell, Author of The Mozart Effect
“Out of nowhere, Chloë Goodchild’s naked voice soar[s] with a range that one would have believed impossible.”
—Times Literary Supplement
What Are The Best Courses of Chloë Goodchild?
Liberate the Voice of Your Soul
Discover powerful techniques to embody and express your truest voice and most authentic Self.
Clear stifling beliefs, old patterns and stuck emotions — quickly — using simple exercises that liberate the voice of your soul and open you to more freedom, confidence and connection with others.
In Liberate the Voice of Your Soul, Chloe Goodchild will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully express your truest voice and most authentic Self, clearing outdated beliefs, behavioral patterns and stuck emotions quickly and effectively.
Each contemplation and training session of Liberate the Voice of Your Soul will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need to sustain your awakened the voice of your soul.