Centre Of Excellence – Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course
The Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course gives students all the tools they need to help their clients to give up smoking, by employing powerful hypnotherapy techniques.
Quitting smoking, as with quitting any addiction, is not easy. Many smokers will have already tried other methods of giving up the habit, generally through will power or low doses of nicotine, alone. Where hypnosis differs, and why it works, is that is alters the mindset and subconscious of the smoker, rather than trying to ignore or mask cravings.
We will provide an outline of each of the hypnotherapy sessions that will be discussed in the course and giving students a good background knowledge of this type of hypnotherapy. This includes: the dangers of smoking and how hypnotherapy can help, the stages of change that a client must go through to change their mindset from smoker, to non-smoker, how to conduct an initial interview with a client and understanding why this is so useful, and the importance of gaining an awareness of a client’s medical background.
Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course will expand the student’s knowledge of hypnosis; giving an overview of how hypnosis works, which will be explained more fully later in course and can also be used when explaining the process to clients. We look at whether a client is ready to undertake treatment and how set up the process for clients to follow and reach their goals, including common forms that you would have new clients fill in.
As with any therapy and treatment, it is important that the client trusts their practitioner, and this is particularly true of hypnotherapy, as a client cannot be hypnotised if they are not relaxed. We discuss how to build trust and rapport with a client, being aware of your client’s needs and communication style, altering your therapy style to fit the client, and how to go about practising your craft, along with some suggestions that will help your client to cope with the process of becoming a non-smoker.
Students will learn the theories and practices of hypnosis, giving an advanced understanding of what it is and how it works. To aid in the understanding of these theories, we use specific examples in the ways in which hypnosis can be successfully practised.
Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course then moves onto the next step of a hypnotherapy, by providing 7 session scripts that can be used in your practice. These scripts are not set in stone and can, and should, be customised to fit each of your clients; addressing goals that they had set in the initial stages of therapy.
Students will learn specialised techniques, which can be incredibly useful when helping a client to quit smoking. The techniques covered are: reframing, sub-modalities, the swish technique, systematic desensitization and anchoring.
We will show you step-by-step setting up your business; how to create a mission statement and the importance of this, making a profit, understanding your clients and attracting more clients, and marketing processes that can be used to grow your business.
What You’ll Learn In Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy Practitioner Course
What will I learn on the course?
Module 1 – Getting to Know Your Client
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: The Dangers of Smoking
- Part 3: Five Stages of Change
- Part 4: The Client Interview
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2 – Working With Your Client
- Part 1: Explaining How Hypnosis Works
- Part 2: Stage Hypnosis
- Part 3: How to Test Hypnotic Imagination – The Lemon Test
- Part 4: Typical Questions You Might Be Asked
- Part 5: Suggestibility Tests
- Part 6: Pricing Your Sessions – How Many Do They Need?
- Part 7: Setting SMART Goals
- Part 8: Creating Custom Suggestions
- Part 9: Typical Forms -SMART Goal Worksheet
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3 – Trust and Rapport
- Part 1: Building Trust and Rapport
- Part 2: Matching and Mirroring
- Part 3: Sensory Acuity
- Part 4: Practicing With Your Voice
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4 – Hypnosis 101
- Part 1: What is Hypnosis and How Does it Work?
- Part 2: Getting the Mind and Body in Sync
- Part 3: Hypnotic Language Patterns
- Part 4: Words that Move
- Part 5: The 4 Stage Hypnotic Protocol
- Part 6: Typical Embedded Commands
- Part 7: Signs of Trance
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5 – Induction techniques
- Part 1: Induction Techniques
- Part 2: Eye-Fixation Induction Method
- Part 3: Direct Gaze Method
- Part 4: Magnetic Field Inductions
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6 – Hypnosis Scripts
- Part 1: Session 1 – The Smoking Bully – Self-Sabotage
- Part 2: Session 2 – The Five Stages of Change
- Part 3: Session 3 – The Rotting Garbage Dump
- Part 4: Session 4 – A Fork in the Road – Overcoming Obstacles
- Part 5: Session 5 – Self-Sabotage and Parts Therapy
- Part 6: Session 6 – Remain a Non-Smoker
- Part 7: Session 7 – Complete Freedom
- Part 8: Self-Hypnosis Session
- Part 9: Read Aloud Stop Smoking in its Tracks Self-Hypnosis
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7 – Specialized Techniques
- Part 1: Reframing Technique
- Part 2: NLP Sub modalities – Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic
- Part 3: The Swish Technique
- Part 4: Systematic Desensitization
- Part 5: Therapeutic Metaphors
- Part 6: Regression Techniques
- Part 7: Regression Techniques
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8 – Creating Custom Scripts
- Part 1: 7-step script building process
- Part 2: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Hypnosis
- Part 3: Advanced Techniques to Try
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9 – Business Vision and Marketing
- Part 1: Business Vision
- Part 2: How to Attract Clients
- Part 3: Will You Make a Profit?
- Part 4: Who is Your Ideal Client?
- Part 5: Advertising
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 9 Assessment
About Centre of excellence
Here at Centre of Excellence we are supremely proud to be at the heart of a vibrant community of hard-working students. The determination and enthusiasm of our students never ceases to impress us and there is nothing better than seeing our graduates go on to succeed in further education, work, business or just life in general!
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