Bill Harris – Master Your Life
Learn to Master Your Thoughts, Your Emotions, and Your Life: When you apply these life-changing tools to control your thoughts and feelings, you will cultivate deep levels of awareness, and easily create a life you’ll love to live.
An Extraordinary Life is Waiting for You!
Master teacher and personal development legend, Bill Harris, is going to show you how to Master Your Life, break negative patterns and…automatically attract what you want in life!
Let us help you change all that and MASTER YOUR LIFE with this breakthrough strategy:
Get extremely powerful tools that you can use immediately to make your life better:
- The “secret sauce” to success and happiness that will give you a happier, emotionally peaceful and successful life
- How to focus your thoughts and feelings to attract the love, career and health you want, automatically
- Find the missing piece between what you hear and see, and how to respond to it in a constructive way
- How to automatically dissolve unresourceful patterns, bad choices, anger, fear and doubt
- How to bring your “shadow” parts out of the basement and turn them into assets that will benefit you and others.
Master Your Life will put the power of your brain to work for you. It will help you make conscious choices, and automatically attract what you WANT in life, instead of what you don’t.
Master Your Life will do just that. Teach you how to cultivate deep levels of awareness about why your life is the way it is…and easily create a life you’ll love to live.
What You’ll Learn In Master Your Life
In four powerful Master Your Life lessons, over the course of eight weeks, you will learn:
- How to make unresourceful (so-called “bad”) thoughts, feelings and actions dissolve automatically
- The difference between “knowing” and “awareness”…and why that makes ALL the difference
- How to prioritize your life based on YOUR deepest values
- How you (unconsciously) create your own reality
- How your core beliefs drive your (bad) results
- Why you would rather be right than be happy
- How taking responsibility gives you power…
…and why simply “changing your mind” about your behavior doesn’t work.
Master Your Life includes four powerful lessons released every two weeks, with video lessons from Bill Harris, homework, exercises, a transcript of each lesson, Master Your Life Guiding Principles (cheat sheet), and a priceless asset to boost your results:
Unlimited access to our Accelerated Results Coaches. Our coaches are highly trained, knowledgeable, and responsive individuals who will help you get the most of the powerful Master Your Life Course. The most successful people in the world decide to get personal coaching for life issues, obstacles, and emotional upheaval.
What will you learn? How will your life change?
Lesson #1: Responsibility/Empowerment
Learn the hidden step between “what happens” and how you respond to it. (This one step changes everything, by the way.) Explore your “triggers,” internal dialogue, assumptions, and emotional responses.
You’ll also Increase your awareness about how you create your own life. When you understand and accept this concept, a whole new world of possibilities and personal power opens up to you.
- Take charge of your actions (the actions you know you want to take, but for some reason don’t)
- Discover that creative “something” you’re doing that creates every feeling you experience
- Stop attracting people and situations into your life that you don’t want
- Make your feelings a choice
- End regretful behaviors
See if any of these ring true to you:
- You get tipped over by outside circumstances/by what others say or do
- You make snap decisions that don’t serve you in the long run
- Your motivation to do things diminishes over time
- Communication skills fail in the heat of things
- You often fail to act in your own best interest
- You criticize yourself for your shortcomings
- You have automatic knee-jerk reactions
Lesson 1 of Master Your Life addresses all of these issues and many more. With awareness–of your underlying beliefs, your triggers, your fears, and of how you create your own life–you become like…
…a powerful magnet for all of the things you want in life (and none of the things you don’t).
Remember, what happened in your past isn’t as powerful as awareness, and moving forward. Awareness literally and instantly dissolves unresourceful thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Because when you are truly aware…
…you cannot act in any other way but that which serves you best.
Lesson 1 of Master Your Life will show you how to create a life where YOU are in control of your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings and your actions. And you will learn to…
…always and automatically choose what’s best for you.
Lesson #2: Awareness/Focus/Shadows
Get the “secret sauce” to creating success and happiness, as you create your life, day by day, moment by moment, choice by choice.
- Learn a major key to living a happier, emotionally peaceful and successful life
- Control what you focus on; Take charge of your negative feelings
- Avoid upheaval by controlling your focus and your resistance
- Find the root of passive-aggressive behavior
- Discover ways to increase your awareness
What you focus on is THE KEY to what you get in life. Your thoughts and feelings give instructions to your mind to create whatever it is you are focusing on. You mind doesn’t toss your negative thoughts and feelings to the trash bin.
In fact, the more emotion and passion you have in your thoughts and feelings, the more powerful the “magnet”
of attraction will be.
In Master Your Life Lesson 2, you will learn to put your thoughts and feelings to work for you, instead of against you.
Does this sound familiar to you?
You think of something about yourself that makes you feel bad. And since you don’t want to feel bad about yourself, you “stuff” that feeling into the shadows. You might even distract yourself from that feeling with food, cocktails, sex, gaming…
…or any number of other unresourceful distractions.
Guess what?
You just made that feeling stronger. We call these “disowned” aspects of ourselves “shadows.”
Shadow parts always leak out, no matter how hard we try to squelch them. And they always manifest in covert and dysfunctional ways.
But here’s the great news:
Every shadow has a mature form, and can become a benefit to you and others.
Turn Your Shadows to Light
In Lesson 2 of Master Your Life, you will learn how to “re-own” your shadow parts and literally transform them into mature positive aspects of your personality. In this way:
- Anger becomes passion, and can be used as advocacy or for the protection of others
- Blaming others turns into self-responsibility and personal power
- Narcissism matures into healthy self-love and love for others
- Greed becomes generosity
- Envy turns into gratitude
Remember, When you make certain behaviors “wrong” you attract more of them. As Bill Harris used to say:
“Knowing” is the booby prize in personal growth.”
To know something isn’t the same as to be aware of it––to call it into the bright light of day, and therefore deplete its power.
Lesson #3: Beliefs
As you believe, so goes your life. Everything is true to the person who believes it. And while you may fight to defend the “rightness” of what you believe, not all of your beliefs actually serve you. In fact…
…your beliefs have the power to attract people and situations into your life that you are trying to avoid.
- Your feelings, behaviors, and what and whom you attract into your life, are generated by something you do
- Create positive change by carefully watching what you’re doing in that creative part of your mind
- Learn how your internal processes create most of what happens in your life
- Discover which lifelong beliefs strongly affect your life
- Control how you interpret the behavior of others
Lesson #4: Values
In lesson #4 of Master Your Life, you will learn how to deeply evaluate the values that are running your life. You’ll learn which of your values rank higher than all the others, which of your values are “shoulds”, which of your values are actually obligations…
…and which of your values are truly yours. THOSE are the values that will drive your life with love, and passion, and joy.
That’s why Bill Harris says, “When you are aware of your values, a whole new world opens up for you.”
- Discover how Holosync can help you manage disowned thoughts
- Discover your values and how they relate to your life
- Learn how to correct your responses internally
- Control who and what you attract into your life
- Use Holosync to increase your energy
What you get in Lesson 4 of Master Your Life, is more aha! moments. You’ll see how your values can conflict with each other and sabotage your best efforts. And you’ll discover the values that are…
…the truest and most authentically YOU.
And this is the beginning of a life of emotional mastery, abundance, authentic joy, and peace of mind.
I invite you to become the master of your own life, starting right here, right now.
More courses from the same author: Bill Harris