Centre of Excellence – Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course
Description Of Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course
This comprehensive and powerful online Angel Healing Therapy course will teach you how to ask and accept help from angels.
Whether you are taking the course to aid your own spiritual path, or to become a practitioner who helps others do the same, the course will teach you about the angels themselves as well as how to go about contacting them, the ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works, and how to start a business in this area as an Angel Healing Therapist.
Students will learn about the history of angels, as well as the different types of angels, and their hierarchy. You will also learn how to connect with angels and discover how to open yourself up to them, how to invoke angel protection, the types of angels you can all upon and what they are responsible for, and how to connect with your guardian angel.
The work of angels can be difficult for us to understand, as they help in ways we that we are not aware of. You will work on your faith and fears ensuring you can work with angels in the most positive and productive way possible. You will also learn about the shielding power of angels and how this can benefit you.
This Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course covers the 6 spiritual gifts and how you can go about uncovering any of these that you may have, as well as how to honour this and increase and improve any clairvoyant abilities you may have. The module also talks briefly about mediumship and how this can manifest itself.
You will learn about the unique indigo, crystal and rainbow children, explaining who they are and how they differ. Looking in more detail at mediumship, combining card readings with angel readings and the use of oracle cards and angel card decks are illustrated along with how numerology relates to angels.
Students will learn the signs that angels are near and affecting your life. Signs can include coincidences and synchronous events, among other, specific signs. Looking in more detail at the 7 primary archangels, before introducing the other archangels and what their roles and responsibilities are and how angels may go about helping you.
Working with angels doesn’t just help you with day-to-day and life events, but helps with continuing your own spiritual growth. This exciting course will show you how you can create your own Angel Healing Therapy business, explaining good practices for health, safety and hygiene in the workroom, along with the ethics and insurance needed, as well as how you should present yourself in your practice.
What You’ll Learn In Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course
Course Syllabus
What will I learn on the course?
Module 1: Angel Therapy Overview and Hierarchy
- Introduction
- Part 1: What is Angel Therapy?
- Part 2: The History of Angels
- Part 3: The Angel Hierarchy
- Part 4: How to Connect with Angels
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 1 Assessment
Module 2: Angel Protection
- Part 1: Invoking Angel Protection
- Part 2: Guardian Angels
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 2 Assessment
Module 3: The Seven Principle Archangels
- Part 1: Archangel Correspondences
- Part 2: Archangels Raphael and Chamuel
- Part 3: Archangels Gabriel and Jophiel
- Part 4: Archangels Uriel and Zadkiel
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 3 Assessment
Module 4: The Power of Angels to Help
- Part 1: How Angels Help Us
- Part 2: Faith and Toxicity
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 4 Assessment
Module 5: Developing Spiritual Gifts
- Part 1: Discovering your Spiritual Gifts
- Part 2: Clairvoyance
- Part 3: Clairaudience
- Part 4: Other Abilities
- Part 5: Mediumship
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 5 Assessment
Module 6: Star Children, Oracle Cards and Angel Numbers
- Part 1: Crystal Children
- Part 2: Oracle Cards
- Part 3: Angel Numbers
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 6 Assessment
Module 7: Coincidences and Signs that Angels are Near
- Part 1: Coincidences
- Part 2: Signs
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 7 Assessment
Module 8: Archangel Roles and Responsibilities
- Part 1: The Seven Primary Archangels
- Part 2: Other Archangels
- Part 3: Helping, Watching and Resististing
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 8 Assessment
Module 9: Spiritual Growth and Psychic Abilities
- Part 1: Spiritual Growth
- Part 2: How to Enhance Your Psychic Abilities
- Part 3: Keys to Enlightenment and Awareness
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 9 Assessment
Module 10: Health, Safety, Ethics and Presentation
- Part 1: Angel Therapy Practitioner Health
- Part 2: Professionalism and Public Image
- Part 3: Hygiene and Personal Presentation
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 10 Assessment
Module 11: Client Care and Consultation Techniques
- Part 1: Client Care and Communication
- Part 2: Consultation Techniques
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 11 Assessment
Module 12: Setting up and Marketing Your Business
- Part 1: Types of Angel Therapy Business
- Part 2: Good Business Practice
- Part 3: Marketing Your Angel Therapy Business
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 12 Assessment
Module 13: Benefits, Challenges, Chakras and Aura Work
- Part 1: Benefits and Challenges
- Part 2: Working with Chakras and Auras
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 13 Assessment
Module 14: Client Sessions
- Part 1: Connecting with the Angels
- Part 2: Angel Cards and Altars
- Part 3: Client Sessions
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 14 Assessment
Module 15: Case Studies and Working Practices
- Part 1: Case Studies
- Part 2: Following Up
- Part 3: Documents For Client Work
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 15 Assessment
Module 16: Summary and Overview
- Part 1: Key Lessons
- Part 2: Other Methodologies
- Part 3: Bringing Angels into Your Everyday Life
- Test Your Knowledge
- Key Learning Points Exercise
- Module 16 Assessment
About Centre of excellence
Here at Centre of Excellence we are supremely proud to be at the heart of a vibrant community of hard-working students. The determination and enthusiasm of our students never ceases to impress us and there is nothing better than seeing our graduates go on to succeed in further education, work, business or just life in general!
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