Aaron Doughty – MindShift Meditations
“Discover a Powerful Technique to make Money, Love and Success Chase You without working hard or trying to force things to happen”
With MindShift Meditations you will easily…
- Feel empowered to manifest knowing you can use this process to create whatever you want in your life.
- Experience the freedom to manifest from a totally new paradigm.
- Get to the authentic core of who you are so that you let go of blocks and resistance.
- Powerful Techniques that allow you to “choose” the reality you want.
- Powerful Exercises and tools to decrease importance and resonate with your goals and desires.
- Raise your consciousness and vibration to create from a whole new paradigm.
I realized there had to be a better way…
That’s when I learned about a parallel realities shifting and started to apply it…
Everything changed.
Things became easier…
I began to realize that I didn’t have to “try so hard”
I could instead, align my energy to my goals in way that was graceful…
knowing all I had to do was “resonate” with the reality I wanted to experience
It became more about ‘alignment and vibration’ and the moment I started to apply it, I began to feel a surge of energy unlike anything I have experienced before…
I moved into my dream house and now live a life of abundance BEYOND what I have ever thought possible…
The Most Powerful Technique to make Money, Love and Success Chase You without working hard or trying to force things to happen
What are the MindShift Meditations?
Each MindShift Meditation immerses you in soothing relaxation and positive energy, using carefully chosen frequencies and transformative imagery to access the deepest levels of belief that keep you from unleashing your true power so that you can release them for good and create life on YOUR terms
What You’ll Learn In MindShift Meditations
MindShift Meditation One: Story
“How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs And Attract Your Dream Life”
In this MindShift Meditation, we’ll explore the stories you currently tell yourself, and how the themes of those stories are keeping you stuck in patterns that don’t serve you.
Through this meditation, you will identify the core beliefs that are keeping you from your dream life, so that you can replace them with beliefs that serve your desires.
with each meditation there are videos that show you “step-by step” EXACTLY what to do to release those dusty “old” stories and build positive empowering new ones
MindShift Meditation Two: Healing
“How To Heal Your Painful Past And Feel 100% Worthy, Whole And Complete”
Once you’ve gained amazing clarity on the story and beliefs that have kept you in a default state of “want,” it’s time to heal, forgive, and complete the past on an identity level so that you no longer have to “repeat” the past
This MindShift Meditation and section will lead you through healing and completing the past to make room for abundance, success, love, and anything else that’s felt out of reach!
MindShift Meditation Three: Intention
“How To Manifest The Life Of Your Dreams Using The Power Of Intention”
Most people live very little of their life with intention. Instead, they live their lives on “auto-pilot,” simply allowing life to happen to them.
Through this MindShift Meditation, you’ll learn the most powerful way to increase the probability of you creating your DREAM reality…
whether that be attracting your soulmate, the abundance to travel the world or live a life of FREEDOM instead of being programmed by the past!
MindShift Meditation Four: Frequency
“How To Match The Frequency Of The Reality You Desire And Manifest It Effortlessly”
Did you know your ideal life already exists? It’s true!
Think about how many television channels there are broadcasting media at the exact same time. But your television only tunes to one at a time… and that’s the channel you see!
Humans are the same way… and this MindShift Meditation gives you the ability to re-tune to your ideal frequency (the one broadcasting YOUR DREAM LIFE)… by “tuning” on the inside using this powerful meditation
MindShift Meditation Five: Transformation
“How To Shift Your Level Of Consciousness Beyond The Ego And Experience A Permanent Identity Level Transformation”
This is where you are going to experience a permanent, lasting transformation unlike anything else you have experienced in your life!
The deep, authentic insights that will be revealed to you during the Transformation Experience will unlock your ability to attract the exact life you want… quickly and effortlessly!
More courses from the same author: Aaron Doughty